New Website Launch

Alas! It has been many, many months in the making, but our new(est) website is now LIVE! I don’t know if any of you have ever had to market yourself, but, from our perspective, it is awkward, confronting, overwhelming, and intimidating. Yes, all the head-trash shows up along the way to create the internal drama that must be managed. But… it’s a necessity of being a business owner (not the drama, but the website).

Not only are Greg and I launching a new website, but really we are re-launching our whole company. Our company’s name, Retexo, is likely unfamiliar even to those of you who know us well. Most of you probably don’t know (since we had no Retexo website) that we founded Retexo in 2015, and that Retexo is really the Louisville incarnation of the business we started together in Indianapolis (BlackSwan7 / Martha Walker LLC) way back in 2007. We have been at this for a while now, and this new web presence represents the next phase of our work together.

We love our new site and it is with huge gratitude to Christian at Internet Joy Agency, who made a very bold promise at the outset: Christian said, “I will build a website that will be unique and one that you will love.” Bam. Done. Nailed it! He forgot to predict that we would also love working with him, for he is not only a talented web developer, but also an extraordinary human being.

The inspiration to continue moving forward in my work as an executive coach, facilitator, and trainer, and for Greg and me to grow and expand our business, comes from the amazing clients and colleagues with whom we collaborate. We grow together. As we support the development of professionals, we are challenged to continually iterate and evolve ourselves as professionals. We work with the best and most amazing people and we are so so grateful!

Change challenges us, and the last couple years we have been stretched with changes large and small, many of which we didn’t see coming and didn’t choose. But we ARE going to make it through the slow emergence from the trauma and chaos of the pandemic, the curious “great resignation,” the off putting inflation, and everything else that work and life hands us. We are going to GROW and TRANSFORM through it, personally, interpersonally, and culturally, and it is our sincere hope that Retexo can continue to partner with our clients and colleagues to support the ensuing evolution.



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Executive Coaching, Corporate Training, and Group Facilitation

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