Coaching, Training, and Facilitation

Offering executive coaching, corporate training, and tools for personal, interpersonal, and cultural growth since 2007.


& Facilitation

Offering executive coaching, corporate training, and tools for personal, interpersonal, and cultural growth since 2007.

Executive Coaching

For business owners, executives, and leaders committed to personal and professional growth. Retexo offers in-person and remote sessions by video or phone.


Retexo delivers workshops in both in-person and remote formats. When your organization is ready, we can also certify your personnel to facilitate workshops in-house.

Executive Coaching

For business owners, executives, and leaders committed to personal and professional growth. Retexo offers in-person and remote sessions by video or phone.


Retexo delivers workshops in both in-person and remote formats. When your organization is ready, we can also certify your personnel to facilitate workshops in-house.

Corporate Training

Retexo delivers practical, actionable, human-centric training for individuals and teams at all levels within your organization. Help people learn, grow, and work effectively together.

Peer Groups

Custom groups of 8-12 peers, professionally facilitated by Retexo. Create community, gain perspective, and grow as a leader. Working with peers means you don’t have to go it alone.


Retexo offers best-in-class tools to support self-knowledge as well as personal and professional growth; including the Everything DiSC® Suite of assessments.

Corporate Training

Retexo delivers practical, actionable, human-centric training for individuals and teams at all levels within your organization. Help people learn, grow, and work effectively together.

Peer Groups

Custom groups of 8-12 peers, professionally facilitated by Retexo. Create community, gain perspective, and grow as a leader. Working with peers means you don’t have to go it alone.


Retexo offers best-in-class tools to support self-knowledge as well as personal and professional growth; including the Everything DiSC® Suite of assessments.


… means to untangle, to “un-weave.”

Matching ourselves to the accelerating complexity of our professional and personal lives is foundational to our happiness and success.

It often requires that we “un-weave” our old ways of understanding in order to create a more complete fabric of meaning – a better way of understanding and solving our challenges.

This great cycle of weaving, un-weaving, and weaving again is the work of growth and learning.

It is the work of getting bigger and more complex to fit ourselves to a bigger, more complex world.

It is the work of Retexo.


The Importance of Retexo’s Work

The moment we enter this world, we begin to pull together individual fibers of experience and weave them together into a fabric of understanding. The structure of this constantly evolving textile is the structure of our mind. It is how we make sense of the world.

We work our looms automatically, intuitively, without evening knowing we are doing it, and the result at every stage of our lives is remarkable. Then inevitably a day comes when we begin to notice a bit of unraveling. We begin to see gaps and tangles and imperfections. Life delivers endless spools of new learnings, new complexities. We do our best to work them in here and there, but eventually we find that some of these new threads just won’t lay quite right.

When we reach this point, we must confront the reality that the familiar, comfortable fabric we wove painstakingly over so many years can carry us no farther. It no longer fits, and it cannot grow larger. We start to understand that to weave in who we are becoming, we must first un-weave parts of who we have been, and that is what retexo means: to un-weave, to untangle – so that we can weave anew.

From time to time as we grow, life insists that we pause to un-weave and untangle, sometimes dismantling the work of years or even decades, so that we can weave it all back together again. What results, if we commit to this work, is a new fabric of meaning that is more complex, more beautiful, and more complete than we could have envisioned before.

This is the work of Retexo.

… means to untangle, to “un-weave.”

Matching ourselves to the accelerating complexity of our professional and personal lives is foundational to our happiness and success.

It often requires that we “un-weave” our old ways of understanding in order to create a more complete fabric of meaning – a better way of understanding and solving our challenges.

This great cycle of weaving, un-weaving, and weaving again is the work of growth and learning.

It is the work of getting bigger and more complex to fit ourselves to a bigger, more complex world.

It is the work of Retexo.


The Importance of Retexo’s Work

The moment we enter this world, we begin to pull together individual fibers of experience and weave them together into a fabric of understanding. The structure of this constantly evolving textile is the structure of our mind. It is how we make sense of the world.

We work our looms automatically, intuitively, without evening knowing we are doing it, and the result at every stage of our lives is remarkable. Then inevitably a day comes when we begin to notice a bit of unraveling. We begin to see gaps and tangles and imperfections. Life delivers endless spools of new learnings, new complexities. We do our best to work them in here and there, but eventually we find that some of these new threads just won’t lay quite right.

When we reach this point, we must confront the reality that the familiar, comfortable fabric we wove painstakingly over so many years can carry us no farther. It no longer fits, and it cannot grow larger. We start to understand that to weave in who we are becoming, we must first un-weave parts of who we have been, and that is what retexo means: to un-weave, to untangle – so that we can weave anew.

From time to time as we grow, life insists that we pause to un-weave and untangle, sometimes dismantling the work of years or even decades, so that we can weave it all back together again. What results, if we commit to this work, is a new fabric of meaning that is more complex, more beautiful, and more complete than we could have envisioned before.

This is the work of Retexo.

Founded in 2004 by Martha and Greg Walker, Retexo builds on its owners’ decades of diverse experience, including business ownership and executive leadership, global strategic marketing, brand and market management, operations management, product development, and sales, as well as extensive training in coaching, leadership, and facilitation.


“From the moment you meet Martha, you will know she is on your side, heart and soul. She will bring all that she is — wise, authentic, skilled, down-to-earth, experienced — to help you achieve your goals. Get ready for a life-changing experience.”

— Psychotherapist and Teacher, MS, LMCH, BCPC

“Martha has a truly remarkable ability to read and understand people; she combines this with business acumen and experience to provide clarity and wisdom. …she will make you work hard — and you will become a better leader.”

— President and CEO, leading software development firm

“Martha brings tools and experience and honed instincts… Martha is the definition of trusted advisor.”

— CEO Group Chair, Vistage International

“It is amazing how effective an hour-long conversation with Martha can be.”

— VP and General Manager, automotive parts manufacturer



No serious athlete expects to perform at a high level without the support of a coach, and often several coaches. Retexo believes the same applies to anyone serious about developing their capacity as a leader, whether you are a business owner, CEO, executive, or manager.



Retexo delivers workshops in both in-person and remote formats. When your organization is ready, we can also certify your personnel to facilitate workshops in-house.


Corporate Training

Untangling the complexity of people and groups to deepen understanding and compassion, Retexo offers a variety of workshops and training to support personal, interpersonal, and cultural growth in your organization.

Peer Groups

Developing the skills of managers, directors, executives, and leaders across the organization creates a wealth of opportunities and a common language of leadership, while providing accountability and developing your own in-house network of trusted advisors.



Retexo offers reliable, science-based, validated assessments designed to help you increase your self-understanding and accelerate your growth. Retexo is an Everything DiSC® Authorized Partner and is certified to deliver EQ-i 2.0®, the industry-leading emotional intelligence test.



No serious athlete expects to perform at a high level without the support of a coach, and often several coaches. Retexo believes the same applies to anyone serious about developing their capacity as a leader, whether you are a business owner, CEO, executive, or manager.



Retexo delivers workshops in both in-person and remote formats. When your organization is ready, we can also certify your personnel to facilitate workshops in-house.


Corporate Training

Untangling the complexity of people and groups to deepen understanding and compassion, Retexo offers a variety of workshops and training to support personal, interpersonal, and cultural growth in your organization.


Peer Groups

Developing the skills of managers, directors, executives, and leaders across the organization creates a wealth of opportunities and a common language of leadership, while providing accountability and developing your own in-house network of trusted advisors.



Retexo offers reliable, science-based, validated assessments designed to help you increase your self-understanding and accelerate your growth. Retexo is an Everything DiSC® Authorized Partner and is certified to deliver EQ-i 2.0®, the industry-leading emotional intelligence test.


Executive Coaching, Corporate Training, and Group Facilitation

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Executive Coaching, Corporate Training, and Group Facilitation

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